Free Audiobook Course

As the Christian world remembers the death of Jesus as the lamb of Passover sign up for this free course on the Life and Teachings of Jesus. Recount the final hours of Jesus Christ's life, starting in Gethsemane through His death on the cross and ending when "The Lord is Risen." 

Jesus prays in anguish in Gethsemane, is betrayed by Judas, and falsely accused and convicted of blasphemy before being sentenced to death by Pilate. He is then crucified, forgives his executioners, dies, and is buried. However, on the third day, Mary Magdalene and other women find his tomb empty and are told by an angel that he has risen from the dead. Jesus later appears to his followers, offering them hope and reassurance. This short course offer a powerful and emotional account of Jesus' ultimate sacrifice and triumph over death. 

Sign up and each morning you will receive a new audio-book lesson, eight in total.

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