Be a Catalyst for Lasting Impact

Partner with AudioVerse to Deliver Meat in Due Season to someone like Linda in a moment of need.

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The AudioVerse catalog contains over 30,000 recordings and growing daily!

Building a Legacy

Following Christ’s example of giving meat in due season by personalizing the delivery of the messages to our listeners. The larger the number of teachings, the more important it is to be able to deliver the right message to the right person at the right moment. Large companies like Google and Facebook invest billions of dollars into technologies like this, but they pay for it through advertising and the selling of their users’ data. Of course, we don’t do that, so we rely on God’s blessing through supporters like you to help us invest for the future.

As we enter the final months of the year and are considering our year-end charitable gifts, I ask that you prayerfully consider whether the Lord may be moving upon you to give a bit more than in previous years. This work is possible only with your support, so thank you for being an essential part of our team.

Thank you for helping us ensure that each message is the one most able to lead that person to Jesus.

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